Locations That Inspire Creativity

Whether writing lesson plans, or the next best-selling work of fiction – I’m sure most of us have experienced writer’s block at one stage or another in our lives, but what can you actively do to break out of it?

One technique is to change your area or surroundings – helping to kick-start that creative streak and giving your brain a well-needed breath of fresh air.

Finding locations that inspire creativity is not the easiest of tasks, though, especially as they are unique for each person, though here are some varied suggestions that may help!

Remote Cottages

Need to remove yourself from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? If so, then temporarily relocating yourself to a remote cottage could be the answer for you.

Hiring a North Wales holiday cottage is something to certainly consider. Getting away from it all, in a quiet and peaceful environment, surrounded by beautiful landscapes and wildlife,  will provide the tranquillity and remoteness that you may have been searching for. The self-catering aspect will also ensure you aren’t drawn to set mealtimes when you are at the peak of your creativity, allowing you to focus solely on your work.

Snowdonia National Park is one of the most beautiful locations in the world, and sure to relax and inspire.



Anglesey also has some inspirational sites, including landscapes, beaches and even copper mines:




…and if you are lucky enough to visit Lake Vyrnwy in the winter, it makes for some great photography, and hopefully some great writing too!


Local Libraries

While some people may prefer remote cottages, others may find their most creative selves when they are working in a local library.

Finding a library has never been easier, especially with the Bookmark Your Library website showing you just how close one is from your location. Along with being a quiet and peaceful place for you to slip into your creative gear, it has the added benefit of being full of resources and inspiration at every turn.


Cafés and Bars

Cafés and bars are a popular place to knuckle down.

The gentle hum and background noise from a café is found to be very conducive to working, while an article in the new scientist queries whether it is more a case of concentration being contagious. Either way, if you haven’t tried out working in a café then it is well worth the experiment, if for the proximity to coffee than anything else.

Bars may provide a more temperamental atmosphere, though there is still a portion of people who thrive in highly stimulated areas, that may find their most imaginative streak from within a bar or pub.


Parks and Outdoors

Whether you use parks and the outdoors as a way of taking a short breather from your work, or if you sit under a tree for the whole day with your laptop, the outdoors can be an inspirational place.

An easy trap to fall into when working, particularly on creative tasks, is to be at the same location for too long. This often leads to a lapse in concentration and creativity, so breaking up your daily routine with a walk can be a refreshing choice, often rewarding you with a clearer and more innovative mind.

After trying each of these locations for yourself, hopefully, you can find the places that spark your best and most creative work.


Where is your favourite location for inspiration? How do you get your mind into creative mode? Let us know in the comments.

baby outdoors

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