10 Places Entrepreneurs can find Motivation

Are you struggling to get motivated these days? Maybe you’re wondering how to keep yourself focussed and driven!

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Motivation is key when it comes to being successful, and as an entrepreneur, it’s important you know what helps you to stay head strong and distraction free! So, we have found some of the best ways to help you keep your eyes on the prize.


  1. Positive thoughts

Surround yourself with good energy, whether that may be friends, family or just things that make you happy. A positive atmosphere helps you focus with a positive mind, any negativity might distract you and make you take your eye off the ball!


  1. Clear your head

Getting out to clear your head is a great motivator, whether it’s a quick walk, trip to the gym or even a catch up with friends. Having a break and coming back to it with a clear mind will help you think clearly when you may have made irrational decisions.

  1. Read Blogs

Reading blogs online is a great way to find out about other people’s success and also to find out more about what’s going on in the business world, for example Drew Griffiths’ MMA Blog provides some great insights for small businesses!


  1. Be social

Don’t be afraid to talk to fellow entrepreneurs about their experiences, they could give you some great tips and you may find yourself inspired to achieve the same success.


  1. Read autobiographies

Not only are blogs really good for finding motivation but why not try reading autobiographies from some of the most successful people on the planet, for example, Steve Jobs: The exclusive autobiography.


  1. Look out for seminars and workshops

Try and find a seminar or workshop which is relevant to you, or at least one that tickles your fancy a bit! They’re a fantastic way to get motivated because you are hearing and seeing it first hand. Listen to inspiring speakers who have proven their success in their work to see if you can get any tips!


  1. Realistic goals

Setting yourself goals for each week or even each month is a great way to keep yourself on your toes but if they become unrealistic, it can really knock your confidence. Setting more achievable targets allows you to grow and gain week after week, giving you more confidence and more motivation.

  1. Rewards

If the success of your business isn’t enough motivation, allowing yourself a reward each time you achieve these goals gives you and your colleagues/employees, something to work towards. Find something everyone enjoys, whether that’s a free lunch or an activity which everyone can take part in!


  1. Begin with a routine

Starting with a routine will help you get set up for the day, it becomes more natural to you and will help you to stick to it. Once you’ve got yourself comfortable in a routine, it may benefit you to change it every now and again so it doesn’t become boring.


  1. Think about others

If you’re struggling to motivate yourself, think of the others who you may be doing it for, your family, friends, other colleagues. Knowing there are people there for you and supporting you will help you to focus on the bigger picture.

What do you turn to when you’re seeking some career, or even everyday life motivation?









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